medical staffing

Healthcare Staffing - Insurance Considerations

Generally, healthcare staffing agencies employ doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, medical technicians, and others as contractors on offsite patient facilities. This presents unique liability conditions that require appropriate insurance coverage. Unlike a medical facility that hires workers directly, agencies face the combined challenge of employing medical professionals and dealing with c-employment laws. Typically healthcare staffing agencies have insurance needs that include:

General Liability

Whether a healthcare agency staff worker at a doctor’s office, hospital or for at-home patient care, general liability insurance is a must. This type of insurance plan protects the agency from onsite property damage or physical injuries sustained at the medical facility and agency office. An agency and its assets are also protected if a client files claim against workers or the agency. With general liability, the agency is covered to defend against such claims whether they are fraudulent or not.

Medical Professional Liability

Medical professionals working for a healthcare staffing agency could face claims of negligence or malpractice. Claims against professional competence are not uncommon and do not exclude healthcare staffing agencies. In a litigious society, the agency must protect itself with a medical professional liability insurance policy. Basically, medical professional liability insurance offers protection for a staffing agency that faces liability claims from a worker’s failure to use due care. Somewhere during treatment, the standard of care that a patient expected was not fulfilled. Any bodily injury that resulted in an act of negligence, along with mental anguish, can be covered under this policy. In most cases, a higher percentage of the premium costs go towards defending a negligence or malpractice claim.

Workers’ Compensation

A workplace injury can occur at any time that an agency places a medical worker on a job. Working around chemicals and medical devices increases the potential for serious accidents. Workers’ compensation insurance can protect workers with guaranteed financial benefits for qualified injuries sustained on-the-job. All states require employers, which include healthcare staffing agencies, to carry workers' compensation insurance.

Also known as workman’s comp, this type of insurance is a compromise between workers and staffing agencies. For workers, they relinquish the right to sue the agency if they suffer an illness or injury while at a client’s worksite. In return, the staffing agency agrees to provide state-mandated benefits as a result of the illness or injury. These benefits may include medical care and a percentage of the workers’ pay.

Fidelity Bonds

If at any time a worker is accused of stealing from one of these workplaces, the staffing agency can be held equally responsible for the worker’s actions. Fidelity bonds, which can be individual, scheduled or blanket, will protect the agency against the costs of theft and subsequent legal actions. Issued as a guarantee for clients against losses that result from worker dishonesty, fidelity bonds are an essential part of the staffing agency’s insurance program.

To receive a Staffing Insurance quote for your Medical Staffing Company contact us today.

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