Film Insurance - Third Party Property Damage


Why should I have Third Party Property Damage when General Liability has property coverage already?

This is a common question a lot of filmmakers start asking when purchasing Production Insurance Policy. A lot of filmmakers assumes that General Liability will cover the locations they are renting under their Production Insurance Policy. Here is a reason why for your next Production Insurance policy you should have Third Party Property Damage added. 

Third Party Property Damage covers damage done to locations over which you have the care, custody, or control. For example, you rented a Studio or a Sound Stage for your next production. The moment you have custody and control, the production company assumes the responsibility for any damages. This is where having a proper limit for Third Party Property Damage is important. 

Most locations will ask for General Liability only because they believe it covers their property for Damages. The truth is General Liability in a Film Insurance policy only covers damage to third party sites. The building next door, location upstairs or downstairs would be considered a third party site under General Liability Policy. General Liability Policy does NOT cover the actual location where you are filming. 

Third Party Property Damage is the most ideal coverage to insure your filming location. It will provide coverage for the damage or destruction of property of others while the property is in the care, custody or control of the production company and is used for production.

If you have more questions about your Film Insurance Policy contact us anytime at or our team looks forward to working with you.
